Marketing Strategy

The 3 Things To Audit Before You Change Your Entire Business Strategy

Written By:
Rach Charboneau

Do you ever feel like the digital landscape is shifting at an insane pace?? Girl, we are right there with you. (insert a sigh here) The digital landscape truly is ever-evolving and businesses must continually assess and realign their marketing strategies to ensure they're reaching the right audience with the right message.

You may be wondering... how exactly do I do that? Don't stress! As daunting as it may seem, it really is possible to keep up! It's time for a deep dive into analytics, understanding customer behavior, and fine-tuning your key offerings. Below, we discuss how you can use data to ascertain whether your marketing efforts are on target and how to adjust your strategies for better engagement and conversion.

Who: Understanding and Engaging Your Audience

Are you absolutely confident that you're speaking to the people who are most likely to be head over heels for what you offer? It's surprising how the intended audience for your business can shift over time without you even noticing. Don't worry, babe – we've got your back. Let's take a closer look at how you can re-ignite that spark and connect with your audience on a soul level.

πŸ“± Social Media Analytics:

It's time to get cozy with social analytics... The analytics provided by your business's social media platforms for insights into your followers' demographics such as age, gender, and location are invaluable. Pay close attention to their most active times and the content that resonates β€” we're talking about the posts that get liked, shared, and commented on the most, and of course, the ones that fall a bit flat. By identifying these electrifying patterns, you'll be able to laser-target your marketing efforts and create the kind of content that'll have them begging for more.

πŸ’» Google Analytics:

Ah, Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a secret weapon that can reveal which subset of the online audience is searching for your business. The Reports snapshot offers data on audience location, demographics, and behavioral patterns like session duration and return visits. Scrutinize your bounce rate and conversion percentage β€” these numbers will tell you if your content is engaging and if your website is effective in leading potential customers through your sales funnel.

πŸ›’ Customer Data:

Let's not overlook the wealth of information stored within your existing customer base. It's time to analyze the data of your current customers and find those hidden gems. What industry do they belong to? What stands out to them when they choose to use your services? Understanding the characteristics of your loyal customers can yield valuable insights into who your marketing should target.

πŸ”Ž How to Diagnose:

Now that you have gathered all this data, it's time to play doctor and diagnose what's really going on. Identify the common threads among those who follow your brand, make purchases, and seek out your services. Your current customers, who have already chosen to buy from you, are your top priority. Your goal is to bridge the gap between your marketing efforts and the core reasons these customers are attracted to your business in the first place.

What: Refining Your Key Offer

Let's talk about refining your key offer, the main attraction of your marketing campaign. It's not just not what you're promoting, but how it's resonating with your audience.

πŸ’­ Ask yourself:

  • Is your key offer the driving force behind your business?
  • How often are you promoting this offer? Is it on a consistent basis, allowing you adequate time to test its effectiveness?
  • Are you surrounding your key offer with supportive elements such as customer testimonials, educational content, or responses to FAQs that enhance its appeal?

πŸ”Ž How to Diagnose:

If there's alignment between your main offer and what brings satisfaction to your customers, it may be that other aspects of your offer need adjustment. Perhaps you haven’t fine-tuned your audience targeting, or maybe additional details β€” like testimonials or more detailed descriptions of your services and their results β€” are needed to bolster your offer's attractiveness. However, be cautious not to change your offering too frequently as it could end up confusing the market instead of attracting them.

How: Positioning Your Key Offer

How you present your offer to your current audience can make all the difference in your marketing success. It's not just not what you're promoting, but how it's resonating with your audience.

❓ Consider the following:

  • Are you marketing in the place where your main demographic is on the internet?
  • Are you continuing to nurture prospects and put your business back in front of them via multiple channels like social media, email marketing, events, etc?
  • Are you optimizing your website for SEO to make sure you come up in searches and are easy to find in the digital space?
  • Are you educating around your offer? Sharing your knowledge and expertise to help them understand what they need to shift and how they need to do it.

πŸ”Ž How to Diagnose:

When your offer, audience, and alignment are in sync but you're still not seeing the desired outcomes, it may be time to up the ante on value-added content, like free guides, educational webinars, or case studies to provide additional support.

In conclusion, by closely examining and understanding your Who, What, and How, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are not only reaching the right people but also delivering a message that resonates and converts. It's a cycle of continuous improvement β€” so never stop listening, analyzing, and adapting to the needs of your audience.

At Wave, we take the holistic approach to marketing for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Our 360 method is a game-changer for diagnosing the best next moves you should make to launch into that next phase of growth. Interested in learning more? Start the conversation here.
