Marketing Strategy

How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Your B2B Brand & Increase Enagement

Written By:
Rach Charboneau

How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Your B2B Brand & Increase Engagement

Building a successful brand is essential for any business looking to thrive in today's competitive market. Simply put, a well-crafted brand will drive growth. Specifically, it will differentiate your company from your competitors, increase customer loyalty, and ultimately drive scalable revenue growth. 

However, many struggle with evaluating the effectiveness of their brand and increasing engagement. In this blog post, we'll dig into tactics for measuring the effectiveness of your brand and ways to increase engagement with your target audience. 

Ready to dive in? Cool- so are we! 

🔎 Identify Your Brand's Objectives

Before you can evaluate your brand impact and effectiveness, you need to define your goals and objectives. Not sure where to start? Here are a few examples:

  • Amplify engagement with your target ICP (Ideal Customer Profile)
  • Define a new category or sub-category 
  • Create brand that differentiates from competitors
  • Increase Market Share 
  • Showcase your company's unique culture and the exceptional people behind it

🎯 Conduct a Brand Impact Audit 

This is an assessment of your brand's strengths and weaknesses. It's an opportunity to review your brand's messaging, visual identity, and overall brand experience. During a brand audit, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does your brand messaging accurately reflect your brand's values and mission?
  • Is your visual identity consistent across all channels, including your website, social media, and marketing materials?
  • How does your brand experience compare to your competitors?
  • What do your customers think of your brand?
  • What do your employees think of your brand?
  • The big one- does your brand drive the right audience to you? (ie qualified leads and opps) 

Your answers to these questions will serve as your blueprint for enhancing your brand. 

💭 Measure Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is the lifeblood of a thriving B2B brand. If your target audience isn't aware of your brand, they're unlikely to engage with your content or purchase your products or services. You worked hard to build your company, people need to see it! 

How to Measure: 

  • Website traffic
  • Social media followers and mentions 
  • Search engine rankings
  • Earned media placements 
  • Word of mouth referrals 

👀 Measure Brand Perception

Brand perception is how your target audience perceives your brand. It's essential to understand this because it directly impacts their decision to engage with your content or purchase your products/services. It's important to note that you can't please everyone, and that's perfectly okay! Take the opportunity to evaluate what resonates with your ideal customer and existing customers. Look for recurring themes and patterns in their feedback to determine the best way forward

How to Measure: 

  • Surveys
  • Focus Groups
  • Reviews
  • Social Listening 

📉 Monitor Engagement Metrics

Engagement metrics provide invaluable insights into how your target audience is interacting with your brand and which content is hitting the mark. This data helps you identify the types of content and channels that are truly resonating with your audience. Whether you have an in-house team or an external agency, parsing through these metrics helps streamline where your time and investments should be focused.

How to Measure: 

  • Social Media Engagement 
  • Event Interest and Attendance 
  • Email, SEO and PPC engagement 
  • Blog, podcast, video engagement 
  • Website traffic 

👏 Evaluate Pipeline Performance 

Pipeline performance can indicate if your brand is resonating with the people you intend to sell to/partner with/etc.. If you have healthy website traffic, but low form conversion and lead flow– you  might have a brand opportunity in front of you. 

How to Measure: 

  • Funnel Conversion Rates
  • Revenue Realized 
  • CAC Payback and/or CAC/LTV ratio 

Now, you should have a clear understanding of how your brand is supporting or blocking your growth goals. So, what comes next? The fun part– taking ACTION! 

Take the data and qualitative feedback to design your master plan to create a brand that supports the growth you want. Here are a few ideas to drive quick action:

Customer Voice: Ask your customers where they get their information, connect with peers. Based on this info- is your brand showing up in the right spots? Find out and make some moves

Employee Voice: Ask your team (someone from each department) what they think of the brand? Internal teams have different experiences and can shed light on ways to improve. Take the feedback and update something on your site (or with your next campaign) 

Content Mix: When was the last time you posted something on social media that wasn’t about your company or product/service? Take this as an opportunity to highlight something new (team highlights, quick tips, industry happenings, etc..) 

Now armed with a deeper understanding of how your brand is impacting your growth goals, it's time for action! Let's take the data and qualitative feedback at our disposal and craft a master plan to build a brand that thrives.

Looking for some inspiration and a brainstorming session? Our resident Creative powerhouse, Mandy Dunfee, is always up for a coffee chat. Drop her a note anytime! 👋