Business Ownership

Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling: Common Challenges First-time Female Founders Face and How to Overcome Them

Written By:
Rach Charboneau

In today's evolving landscape of entrepreneurship, women are paving their own paths, challenging the status quo, and shaking up industries in bold and innovative ways. Yet, despite the progressive strides made, the path for first-time female founders can be paved with unique challenges. Female founders are often left to break through the proverbial "glass ceiling".

But here's the thing: When those shards fall, they make waves 🌊✨

Consider this conversation your strategic partner, guiding you through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Let's make waves together, shatter expectations, drive growth, and amplify your voice as a female founder.

🔎 Identifying the Challenges 

1. Access to Funding: 💸
Securing capital remains one of the most significant obstacles facing female entrepreneurs. According to a report by Crunchbase, in 2020, only 3.5% of venture capital funding went to women-led startups. This stark disparity is not just a reflection of systemic bias but also the limited network access women often face in the predominantly male venture capitalist landscape.

2. Gender Bias and Stereotyping: 👫
Female founders frequently encounter underlying gender biases and stereotypes that question their credibility, leadership, and technical competence. This bias can permeate through various aspects of entrepreneurship, from pitching to investors, hiring talent, to networking.

3. Balancing Business and Personal Life: ⚖️
As a female entrepreneur, the expectation to balance business and personal life can pose an additional layer of challenge. Societal expectations often place a larger share of family and domestic responsibilities on women, making the work-life balance a more pronounced issue. The importance of a supportive community that values and encourages both personal and professional growth cannot be overvalued. Get out there and build yourself a community that supports you!

4. Lack of Mentorship and Support Networks: 💻
Having a reliable support system is crucial for entrepreneurial success. Unfortunately, due to the lower representation of women in entrepreneurship and leadership positions, first-time female founders often struggle to find mentors and advisors who can relate to their journey and offer guidance. Don't be afraid to go out of your comfort zone, network, and find that sweet spot.

5. Imposter Syndrome and Self-Doubt: 🕵️
The pervasive underrepresentation and cultural conditioning around gender roles can contribute to imposter syndrome and self-doubt among women in the business world. Many talented female entrepreneurs fear they do not belong, which can hinder their growth and leadership potential. Actively working to overcome these barriers through confidence-building initiatives and creating spaces where female voices can be heard and validated is key!

🪜 Overcoming the Challenges

We've sat in your seats and walked MILES in your shoes! Facing these challenges head-on never gets easier, but many first-time female founders have not only succeeded but have also paved the way for future generations of women in entrepreneurship. 

Here are strategies and insights on how to navigate and overcome these obstacles:

1. Building Networks and Seeking Allies: 👀
Networking is crucial for gaining access to opportunities, advice, and funding. Female entrepreneurs should actively seek out and engage in women-centric business associations, entrepreneurship groups, and online communities. Platforms like Create and Cultivate, Business Class, The EveryGirl, The WIE Suite, PitcHer, and other supportive networks. Relationship-driven, female communities truly have the power to make some real magic!

2. Leveraging Funding Platforms and Initiatives for Women: 💸
In response to the funding gap, several initiatives and platforms have emerged to support women-led startups. Organizations like ifundwomen, Female Founders Fund, SheWorx, and Backstage Capital specifically target female entrepreneurs. If you’re located in the midwest United States area, you should absolutely know about our friend Krista Martin, who is a female co-founder and partner of venture capital firm, Novy, who provides capital, guidance, and executive talent to innovative software startups within the healthcare industry.  Additionally, crowdfunding platforms can be a more democratic way to secure initial funding. Talk about women who support women!

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3. Embracing Authentic Leadership: 💫
Female founders should lean into their unique perspectives and leadership styles instead of conforming to traditional norms. Bringing your most authentic self to the table creates magnetic connection with other driven and impact led founders. When you present as your most authentic self, magic happens, creating a bond of trust and relatability with your team, investors, and clients. This is how you pave the way for a brand that's not just seen but remembered – a brand that makes waves and leaves an indelible mark. Authenticity is the secret sauce that turns a business into an unstoppable force.

4. Prioritizing Self-Care and Setting Boundaries: 🫶
Achieving a harmonious work-life integration is essential for sustainability. It's vital to set clear boundaries, delegate tasks, and prioritize self-care to avoid burnout. This not only improves personal well-being but also enhances decision-making and creativity. What does self-care look like for you? For us it's a cute matching sweatsuit and sparkling water in a wine glass (because why not!)

5. Finding Mentors and Joining Mastermind Groups: 💭
Seeking mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs, both women and men, can provide invaluable insights and guidance. Mastermind groups and mentorship programs can offer support, accountability, and diverse perspectives that enrich the entrepreneurial journey.

A few we are loving right now include: Coming Up Roses, Creative and Cultivate (Blue Print Mastermind), Business Class (Sophia Amourouso), and The Live Launch Academy by The Social Bungalow. 

🙌 Success Stories 

Many first-time female founders have successfully navigated these challenges, turning their adversities into advantages. For instance, Whitney Wolfe Herd, the founder of Bumble, leveraged her experiences with gender dynamics to create a dating app that empowers women, leading to an IPO in February 2021. Similarly, Anne Wojcicki, co-founder of 23andMe, has revolutionized consumer access to genetic information, despite initial skepticism and regulatory hurdles.

You deserve to make waves too, get out there and get after it!

In a world where shattering the glass ceiling as a first-time female founder may seem daunting, it is far from impossible. By recognizing the unique obstacles and actively seeking solutions through networking, funding opportunities, mentorship, and personal development, women in entrepreneurship not only carve their own paths to success but also ignite a ripple effect of inspiration and empowerment for future founders. 

The journey of female entrepreneurship is not just about individual success but about reshaping the business landscape into a more inclusive and diverse arena. Change is what happens when driven women are not afraid to make waves 🌊✨

Wave is a female-powered, strategy-driven, and impact-led business. We believe that you deserve to make all of the waves in the spaces you occupy. Are you looking to take risks, build faster, and scale your business with intention and need a strategic support arm to help you do it? We can help! Fill out this form and start the conversation today.
