
Balancing Act: How to Maintain Work-Life Balance While Scaling Your Business

Written By:
Rach Charboneau

In today's fast-paced world, finding the flow between work and personal life is a challenge all entrepreneurs face. Especially for  female entrepreneurs this balancing act can seem like an uphill battle. Women in business wear many hats – not only as visionary leaders but also as nurturers, partners, and pillars of their communities.

It's clear that upholding a work-life balance and flow while scaling a business is not just about personal well-being – it's a key ingredient for driving business growth and ensuring sustained success.

🚨 Recognizing the Challenges

The first step in managing work-life balance is to acknowledge the challenges that female entrepreneurs face. According to the National Association of Women Business Owners, women own 42% of businesses in the United States (NAWBO, 2020). Yet, despite making significant progress women often encounter institutional barriers, limited access to funding, gender biases, and societal expectations regarding family responsibilities.

🔑 Flexibility is Key

Embracing flexibility is crucial for work-life balance. For Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, flexibility meant adjusting work schedules around her children's needs (Sandberg, 2013). This approach isn't exclusive to corporate giants – small business owners and entrepreneurial spirits can infuse flexibility by setting their own work hours or focusing on projects that harmonize with their schedules. Technology is an empowering tool, helping female entrepreneurs work remotely or automate tasks to save precious time.

This is huge for the wave team. Life calls for different things and different times, so we build our schedules to support flexibility and flow. Its a requirement, not a nice to have. 

💪 Setting Boundaries

One of Marie Forleo's key pieces of advice for entrepreneurs is about setting boundaries (Forleo, 2019). This means being clear about when and how you work and communicate with clients, employees, and partners. Creating clear rules of engagement on response times, support, availability are crucial. There are also some great tools that make this automatic- dial pad is one we love.

 It also means having the courage to decline opportunities that don't align with your personal or business values or that might impede your ability to maintain balance.

Remember, saying no makes space for the right things in business and life. Flex that muscle and create the space for the opportunities that align with your business vision. 

📱 Leveraging Your Network

The age-old adage "it takes a village" rings especially true for female entrepreneurs. Cultivating a supportive network can be transformative in creating flow in work and life. This network could encompass family, friends, mentors, and professional peers. Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx, often speaks about the importance of mentorship and peer support in her journey (Blakley, 2017). Networking events, online communities, and business associations are great places to find like-minded individuals who can offer advice, support, and practical help.

You don’t have to go at it alone- there are some great online communities that we love

🧘 Prioritizing Health and Well-being

Neglecting personal health and well-being can undermine both business success and life satisfaction. Prioritizing sleep, nourishment, activity, and mental wellness not only enriches personal well-being but also catalyzes productivity and sparks creativity.

Schedule this FIRST before the meetings and work time. Also, find a schedule that works for you- need to work out during the day. Get it on the calendar ahead of time. Want to grab coffee with a friend? Block the time and do it. 

It’s crucial, when scaling, to make time for you to recharge and reset. 

💻 Embracing Technology

Technology can be a powerful ally in achieving work-life balance. Cloud-based tools, project management software, and mobile apps can streamline business operations, allowing female entrepreneurs to work more efficiently and free up time for personal commitments. Nevertheless, carving out technology-free spaces or intervals is equally imperative to unwind and recharge.

Find the tools and tech that make work flow better for you.

🎉 Accepting Imperfection

Perfectionism is often a barrier to work-life balance and something entrepreneurs stuggle with. This is a reminder Embracing the reality that not everything has to be flawless - be it in business or personal spheres - fosters greater adaptability and openness. Celebrating victories, learning  lessons from setbacks, and embracing the notion that progress, rather than flawlessness, is the objective bring depth to this journey.

Finding flow in life and work while scaling a business is a complex challenge, particularly for female entrepreneurs. However, by embracing flexibility, setting boundaries, leveraging networks, prioritizing well-being, utilizing technology, and accepting imperfection, it is possible to navigate this journey successfully. Achieving work-life balance is not a one-size-fits-all formula; it requires continuous adjustment and adaptation to the evolving demands of business and personal life. Yet, the rewards - both for personal happiness and business success - are immeasurable.

Ultimately, the quest for work-life balance is a personal and deeply individual journey. It's about finding what works for you, adjusting as needed, and creating a life and business that you love.

  1. National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO). (2020). Women Business Owner Statistics.
  2. Sandberg, Sheryl. (2013). Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. Knopf.
  3. Forleo, Marie. (2019). Everything is Figureoutable. Portfolio.
  4. Blakely, Sara. (2017). Interview with The Guardian.
  5. Huffington, Arianna. (2014). Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder. Crown Publishing Group.