Business Ownership

5 Ways To Sell To Your Current Database

Written By:
Rach Charboneau

Your existing database isn't just a resource, it is a goldmine to potential customers who are already vibing with your brand. As marketers, we've all heard the call to "do more with less". Focusing on the audience you’ve already built up is one of the best places to start. Instead of perpetually chasing shiny new leads, its time to harness the power of the relationships we've nurtured and hit the ground running with our current community. In this blog post, we'll explore five effective strategies that can help you optimize your sales efforts and drive revenue from your existing customer base.

🚀 Hone In and Amplify: Segment Your Database for Targeted Marketing

When it comes to selling to your current database, tapping into the diverse needs and preferences of your customers is absolutely essential. By segmenting your database based on various criteria, such as demographics, purchase history, and engagement level, you can craft personalized marketing messages tailored to specific customer groups - and that's where the pure magic happens.

Picture this: personalized content that speaks directly to each segment, striking a chord and setting the stage for some jaw-dropping sales.

Psst, here's the secret sauce: consider using customer relationship management (CRM) software or marketing automation tools to streamline the segmentation process. By understanding your customers on a deeper level, you’re not only delivering targeted offers, promotions, and recommendations, but you're also igniting a spark of loyalty and setting the stage for repeat purchases.

Let's dive into some potential ways to segment your audience.

✔️Demographic Segmentation

  • Age: Target different age groups with relevant offers and messaging.
  • Gender: Tailor your emails based on gender-specific preferences.
  • Location: Send localized promotions or events specific to a particular region.

✔️Behavioral Segmentation

  • Purchase history: Send personalized recommendations based on past purchases.
  • Engagement level: Segment based on the frequency of interactions with your emails or website.
  • Abandoned carts: Follow up with targeted emails to encourage completion of the purchase.

✔️Preferences and Interests

  • Product/category preferences: Segment subscribers based on their interests or preferences.
  • Content consumption: Analyze which types of content they engage with and send relevant content.
  • Event attendance: Target individuals who have attended specific events or webinars.

✔️Customer Lifecycle

  • New subscribers: Welcome new subscribers with onboarding emails and exclusive offers.
  • Inactive customers: Re-engage inactive customers with special promotions or updates.
  • VIP customers: Provide exclusive benefits and rewards to loyal or high-value customers.


  • Personalized recommendations: Recommend products or services based on individual preferences.
  • Personal milestones: Send personalized emails on birthdays, anniversaries, or subscription anniversaries.
  • Survey responses: Tailor emails based on survey responses or customer feedback.

✔️Email Interaction

  • Email opens and clicks: Segment based on the level of engagement with previous emails.
  • Non-openers: Target individuals who haven't opened recent emails with attention-grabbing subject lines.

✉️ Nurture Existing Customers with Email Marketing

When it comes to nurturing those precious relationships within your existing database, email marketing is your secret weapon. Craft engaging and informative email campaigns that provide value to your customers. None of those tired, generic sales spiels, thank you very much – we're all about delivering educational content, VIP offers, and personalized recommendations. This ain't just about staying top-of-mind; it's about cementing your status as the top dog in your industry.

Consider setting up automated email workflows based on customer behavior. Think abandoned cart reminders, post-purchase check-ins, or even reaching out to those leads who needed a bit of extra time to decide after a demo. These automated sequences help you stay connected with your customers and increase the chances of turning leads into sales. Keeping the customer journey in mind and monitoring behavior is essential when creating a sequence.

Here is a framework from to help you start mapping it out:

🤝 Upsell and Cross-Sell Relevant Products

Upselling and cross-selling are effective techniques to boost revenue from your current database. Dive deep into your customer purchase history, tap into their desires, and watch the magic unfold as you offer them upgrades and complementary goodies that scream "I've got your back".

Now, let's talk strategy. Leverage your platform to implement product or service recommendations based on past purchases or browsing behavior. Provide clear and compelling product descriptions, highlight the value-add, and offer exclusive discounts or bundles to entice customers to make additional purchases. Remember, the key is to offer products that genuinely benefit the customer, rather than pushing irrelevant items.

You could also utilize your partner network if they sell a complementary product. This is where revenue share agreements can be highly beneficial and support in your growth as a business. You might not have every product under the sun right now, but by teaming up with partners, you're not just earning passive income; you're building trust and creating a win-win situation for everyone involved. It's all about amplifying your impact.

Here are some templates you could use to get started:

Cross-Sell Upsell

Subject: "Complete your look with our matching accessories!"

Hi [Customer Name],

We noticed you recently purchased our [Product Name], and we thought you might be interested in our range of matching accessories. From stylish belts to elegant scarves, these accessories are designed to perfectly complement your purchase. Enhance your style and create a complete look today!

[Include product images and descriptions]

[Include a compelling call-to-action button]

We're here to help if you have any questions or need assistance. Thank you for being a valued customer!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Upgrade Upsell

Subject: "Unlock Premium Features and Take Your Experience to the Next Level!"

Hi [Customer Name],

We hope you're enjoying your experience with [Product/Service Name]. We wanted to let you know that we have an exciting opportunity for you to upgrade to our premium version, which offers exclusive features and enhanced benefits.

By upgrading to our premium version, you'll gain access to:

Advanced analytics and reporting

Priority customer support

Additional customization options

Don't miss out on the opportunity to unlock the full potential of [Product/Service Name]. Upgrade today and elevate your experience!

[Include a compelling call-to-action button]

Should you have any questions or need assistance with the upgrade process, our dedicated support team is ready to help.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Bundle Upsell

Subject: "Get More for Less with Our Exclusive Bundle Offer!"

Hi [Customer Name],

We have an irresistible offer just for you! Enhance your [Product/Service Name] experience with our exclusive bundle, carefully curated to provide you with maximum value at a discounted price.

The [Bundle Name] includes:

[Product/Service 1]: [Brief description]

[Product/Service 2]: [Brief description]

[Product/Service 3]: [Brief description]

Purchasing the bundle not only saves you money but also provides a seamless and comprehensive solution to meet your needs. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity!

[Include images and descriptions of the bundled products/services]

[Include a compelling call-to-action button]

If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to our friendly customer support team.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

💫 Create a Loyalty Program

A loyalty program is an excellent way to incentivize repeat purchases and strengthen customer relationships. Reward your existing customers for their loyalty, whether it's through points, discounts, exclusive access, monetized referral offers, or personalized perks. This isn't just about keeping 'em coming back; it's about firing up their passion and turning them into your biggest cheerleaders.

Now, when it comes to designing your loyalty program, think personalized power moves that align perfectly with your customers' vibes. Picture tiered programs that just keep getting better as your customers level up – it's that extra motivation to keep 'em coming back for more. Regularly communicate with program members, highlighting their progress, exclusive offers, and upcoming rewards. 

By making customers feel appreciated and valued, you're creating a home where they belong – a space that elevates their entire experience with your brand

Here’s a great framework by Fit Small Business (link) on steps you can take to start: 

👏 Provide Exceptional Customer Service

When was the last time you analyzed the gaps you may have in your customer marketing efforts? When was the last time you sent out a survey asking for feedback on how you can improve and what you’re doing well? It may be time to circle back with your customer community and take extra time to focus on how you can serve them at a higher level. 

Outstanding customer service can be a differentiator in the competitive business landscape. Ensure your team training is up to date to provide exceptional support and assistance to your existing customers. No query too daunting, no concern left hanging – we're going above and beyond to blow their minds with our service mastery.

Invest in customer service channels such as live chat, social media support, or a dedicated customer service hotline. By being readily available and responsive, you build trust and loyalty with your customers. Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat buyers and even recommend your business to others, expanding your customer base through positive word-of-mouth.

Oh, and let's not forget the power of feedback. Actively seek feedback from your existing customers to understand their experiences and areas for improvement. Surveys, customer reviews, and feedback forms can provide valuable insights into how you can enhance your products, services, or overall customer journey. By listening to your customers and making necessary adjustments, you demonstrate that their satisfaction is a top priority.

Here are some other ways you can provide exceptional customer service:

❓ Knowledge Base and FAQs 

  • Create a comprehensive knowledge base or FAQ section on your website.
  • Include step-by-step guides, troubleshooting tips, and frequently asked questions.
  • Organize the information in a user-friendly format for easy navigation.

🏋️ Live Chat Support

  • Implement a live chat feature on your website to provide real-time assistance.
  • Staff the live chat with knowledgeable support agents who can address customer inquiries promptly.
  • Use chatbots to handle common queries and escalate complex issues to human agents.

✉️ Email Support

  • Provide a dedicated email address for customer support inquiries.
  • Set up automated email responses to acknowledge receipt of customer emails.
  • Ensure prompt and personalized responses to customer inquiries.

📱 Phone Support

  • Offer a phone support option with a dedicated support line.
  • Train support agents to handle customer inquiries professionally and efficiently.
  • Aim for minimal hold times and ensure customers feel heard and understood.

📸 Social Media Support

  • Monitor and respond to customer inquiries and comments on social media platforms.
  • Have dedicated personnel or a social media management tool to track and address customer messages promptly.
  • Provide helpful responses and resolve issues publicly to demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction.

🎟️ Ticketing System

  • Implement a ticketing system to track and manage customer inquiries (could use a platform like JIRA or Hubspot).
  • Assign unique ticket numbers to each customer inquiry for easy reference and follow-up.
  • Set service level agreements (SLAs) to ensure timely resolution of tickets.

📹 Video Tutorials

  • Create video tutorials or screencasts demonstrating product features or addressing common customer concerns.
  • Upload the videos to a dedicated support channel or your website for easy access.
  • Use visual aids and clear instructions to guide customers through various processes.

🤝 Community Forums

  • Establish a community forum or a user-driven support platform.
  • Encourage customers to engage with each other, ask questions, and provide solutions.
  • Assign moderators or support team members to actively participate and provide guidance.

💭 Proactive Support

  • Monitor customer activities and reach out proactively when you notice potential issues or challenges.
  • Send targeted emails or notifications to educate customers on best practices or address common pain points.
  • Offer proactive assistance during onboarding or implementation stages.

Your existing database holds immense potential for driving sales and increasing revenue. Instead of solely focusing on acquiring new customers, make it a priority to leverage the relationships you've already established. By implementing the strategies mentioned above - segmenting your database, nurturing through email marketing, upselling and cross-selling, creating a loyalty program, and providing exceptional customer service - you can tap into the vast opportunities within your current customer base.

Remember, this isn't just about one-time transactions – it's about creating lifelong brand advocates and cultivating that lasting relationship built on trust, value, and personalized experiences. By delivering exceptional service, customizing your offerings, and creating a loyalty program that feels like a royal VIP membership, you're creating a community that'll sing your praises from the rooftops and drive that growth like crazy.